Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Blooming? Pah!

22 weeks

Thus far I have seriously doubted the 'blooming' phenomena that is supposed to accompany pregnancy. And here's why.
In the first three months, despite having escaped morning sickness, I still felt rough, and looked it too. Dark circles under the eyes, pale grey skin, the most awful wind and.. well, some things are best not sharing.
Now it's nearly three months on and I'm slightly less pale, but possibly only because I am now incredibly spotty. And I still have dark circles under the eyes. I keep reading about how I'm supposed to have glowing skin, luscious shiny hair, and be positively radiant. Er...

However, all is not lost! All my life I've had weak, brittle nails that split, bend and disappear at the mere whiff of nail varnish. All of a sudden I am blessed with the strongest, most gorgeous set of talons I've ever had! They're gorgeous, they're long, I can file them, buff them, gaze at them lovingly. And oh! The excitement of being able to wear nail varnish! I'll be able to show them off in Frosted Pink, Mailbox Red, Vintage Vamp Purple! Hurrah!

Oh. Hang on a minute. Still can't use the nail polish. Fumes not good for the baby.

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